DigitaL Marketing
Future belongs to - Digital
What are other terms for Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is also called:
Internet Marketing or
Online Marketing or
Virtual Marketing
e-Marketing etc.
Let's understand Digital Marketing with the help of an example of Digital Marketing.
As I am an Engineer, so I'll apply reverse engineering here to explain Digital Marketing in an easy and simple way with an example.
Suppose you are purchasing a Pizza of an "abc" company from the restaurant / physical outlet near your home, then it is an example of Traditional Marketing. And if you are ordering and purchasing a Pizza through the mobile app or the website of the same "abc" company, then it is an example of Digital Marketing.
So you started with Digital Marketing, and now you have understanding of both Traditional marketing as well as Digital Marketing. You can relate this to the marketing gimmick: BUY 1, GET 1 FREE.
What is the definition of Digital Marketing?
In simple words or language, Digital Marketing is the marketing of products, services or ideas over the Internet.
In other words, Digital Marketing is the marketing of goods, products, services, ideas etc. with the help of Digital Communication Tools and Internet Technology.
Digital marketing combines the creative and technical aspects of the Internet which includes the design, development, advertising and sale of ads and products.
There is, in fact, no major difference between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing. These are one and the same thing, except for DIGITAL being specific to a medium in Digital Marketing.
Let's clarify this with an example - A Pizza purchased at the physical outlet occurs through a marketplace, but buying Pizza through an online medium is its marketspace. Similarly, there are examples of numerous products and services which are present in the marketplace and also in the marketspace, such as banking services, insurance products/services, mobile/dish recharge etc.
Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic and Behavioural Factors Important to e-Marketing
Since the last two decades, the usage of Internet to support marketing activities is on the rise.
The forces of globalisation have helped the use of Internet in the marketing activities for various enterprises/companies/organisations.
What is e-Marketing?
The term "e-Marketing" is an alternative word to Internet Marketing. The latter is narrow in its scope as it explains more on how Internet can be used in conjunction with traditional tools of marketing.
e-Marketing or Electronic Marketing is broader in its meaning and is more comprehensive in its approach. It refers to various digital mediums such as Web, E-Mail, Wireless media and also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management systems (e-CRMS).
According to Smith & Chaffey, e-marketing can be used to assist the following objectives:-
Identifying - Use of Internet to understans customers' wants and needs.
Anticipating - Use of Internet in providing an additional channel, so that customers can access informationn and make a purchase
Satisfying - Customers' satisfaction can be achieved through the electronic channel.
Digital Marketing is for everyone. Digital Marketing is the buzz in marketing. There is buzz about Digital Marketing but Traditional Marketing will also exist. Traditional Marketing is very costly.
Search Engine Optimisation (S.E.O.) ---------> Content Quality
Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M.) ---------> Content Quality + Money
Digital Assets ---------> Blogs/Websites/YouTube Channel & you can monetize these to earn money online in US Dollars directly in your bank account.
Digital Marketing consists of four P's of marketing:-
Product. e.g Marve's online store plus augmented reality app (exclusive content for comic book publisher)
Price. e.g to move consumer mind set bond pricing through development of relationships and improved costumer experience.
Place. e.g Mobile changed customer expectations and now demands a 24x7, omni channel approach (gives ubiquitous availability of content and commerce). Marketers ensures that customers receive personalised communication (through email)
*Ubiquitous: being every where at once or omnipresent.*
Tactics and Outcomes :
Email Marketing - Customer Retention.
Online Advertisement - Branding and Acquisition.
Affiliate Marketing - Sales and Branding.
S.E.O - Customer retention and acquisition.
P.P.C - Pay Per Click.
Social Media - Branding and Participation.
O.R.M - Customer Retention, Branding and Participation.
Web P.R - Acquisition and Branding.
5 Elements of Digital Marketing:
Seth Godin, World Renowned Author of marketing, talked about 5 Elements of Digital Marketing:
Data :- Online data- Raw facts about Products and Services - Used in pay per click marketing.
Stories :- To engage customers which will be shared/ talked about.
Products :- Physical manifestation of your story, they should deliver what promise in your story.
Interaction :- With customers using different touch points.
Connection :- When people fall in love with your products to your positive Digital Marketing Strategy.
Steps in creating a Digital Marketing Strategy:
Evaluate yourself:
to see your brands customer presence in Digital world.
to act no of likes (for fb page) and observe degree of engagement with your content. to look at sites as
Current marketing trends: check which kind of Digital Activities are Marketing engaging among customer in your Industry.
Do Something that makes you stand can't from your competitor and what is could to differently. Instead of following them, start setting those.
Identify your Customer:-
Gather data on your existing customers like online surveys, Interviews.
Choose the Right Platforms:
Depends on type of Products and Services you offer and personal of your customers.
e.g. Pinterest for fashion design corporation.
Twitter - Not very popular in certain countries.
Social affair are not the only Platform you should select.
Set goals:
Setting goals or UPI can keep motivate and give purpose to strategy itself.
by setting follow goals:
Number of pages likes follower and subscriber that you hope to attract.
Number of engagements such as likes, shares, comments, favorites and mention that you would like to gain.
Number of the reviews as comments left behind by your customers.
Number of conversions you hope to gain from your traffics.
Number of letters, email or often promotion you successfully implement.
Amount of content you publish and share things.
To keep with last point: a content plain is strongly suggested.
A monthly plain allows you to publish your content in a orderly manner or popular basis of lets your follower/ subscriber know, when to except new material.
Fix a Budget:
Support amount on your arguments but should be used to promote your social pages and posts.
Points exciting marketing offers through comparison and invest in some valuable analytical tools.
Most Social Media Network:
Only change for engagements means you will only pay if ad you placed or the post you promoted was clicked on.This is know by a acronyms ,CPE(cost per engagement) and CPC(cost per click).
social network themselves and 3rd party
Engage Yourself:
Give reply to customer of any given or mention from view or respond to any likes, mention Retweets from viewers, even if from review , in a friendly way.
Engage yourselfs by sharing Retweets, liking, commenting customer or favouring useful content.
Respond to any feedback comments whenever good or bad.
Above all, content should be engaging and exciting.
While meeting your SEO represents by following latest trends.
Keep any eye on news and always be creative.
If Digital Marketing strategy feels like for much work for you to handle alone, hire a qualified Digital Marketer.
Digital marketing is often confused with online marketing. Digital marketing is the process of promoting a brand, service or product on the internet. Put simply, Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of online channels and methods that enable businesses and organizations to monitor the success of their marketing campaigns, often in real time, to better understand what does and doesn’t work.
The 21st century has witnessed the developing a web presence in most companies. E- mail was commonplace and there was technology allowing people to manage this fairly easily. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems had been in place for some time to manage databases. Some companies were placing banners on websites with a similar approach to press advertising. Forward- thinking companies were working on their search engine strategy and even working with some affiliates.
The most common form of digital marketing is the website of the organization and the epicenter of all its online activities. In order to drive qualified traffic to a website, or encourage repeat visitors and sales, savvy marketers include a combination of email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and social media in their strategy.
The first approaches to digital marketing defined it as a projection of conventional marketing, its tool and strategies, on Internet (Otero and Rolan, 2016). Satya (2015) defined it as ‘online marketing’, ‘web marketing’ or ‘internet marketing’. The term digital marketing became popular overtime, especially in certain countries.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mostly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising and any other digital terms.
Figure 1.2: Digital Marketing History Graphic Guide
• Digital marketing first appeared as a term in the 1990s but, as mentioned above, it was ©Symbiosis Centre for Online Learning 3
very different world then; Web 1.0 was primarily static content with very little
interaction and no real communities.
The first banner advertising started in 1993 and the first web crawler (called
WebCrawler) was created in 1994 – this was the beginning of search engine optimization (SEO) as we know it (Kingsnorth, 2016).Once Google started to grow at pace and Blogger was launched in 1999 the modern internet age began.
Blackberry, a brand not connected with innovation any more, launched mobile e- mail and MySpace appeared.
The first search engine started in 1991 with a network protocol called Gopher for query and search. In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which HotWired purchased a few banners ads for their advertising.
This marked the beginning of a new era, the digital era of marketing. Because of this gradual shift, the year 1994 saw new technologies entering the digital marketplace. The very same year, Yahoo was launched.
1998 saw the birth of Google. Microsoft launched the MSN search engine and Yahoo brought to the market Yahoo web search.
In 2000, the internet bubble burst and all the smaller search engines were either left behind or wiped out leaving place for the giants.
Then in 2006, digital marketing world saw its first steep surge. At that time, search engine traffic already grown to about 6.4 billion in a single month.
Products marketed digitally are now available to customers at all times.
• Statistics collected by the Marketingtechblog for 2014 show that posting on social media is the top online activity in the US. The average American spends 37 minutes a day on social media. 99% of digital marketers use Facebook to market, 97% use Twitter, 70% use Google+, 69% use Pinterest and 59% use Instagram. 70% of B2C marketers have acquired customers through Facebook. 67% of Twitter users are far more likely to buy from brands that they follow on Twitter. 83.8% of luxury brands have a presence on Pinterest. The top three social networking sites used by marketers are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
Benefits of Digital Marketing
You can target a local audience, but also an international one. Further, you can tailor a campaign to specific audience demographics, such as gender, location, age and interests. This means your campaign will be more effective.
Your audience can choose how they want to receive your content. While one person likes to read a blog post, another person likes to watch a YouTube video. Traditional marketing doesn't give the audience a choice. Most people hate receiving sales flyers in their mailbox or phone calls at inconvenient times on stuff that they have little interest in. Online people get the choice to opt in or out of communications and often it is relevant because they were the ones searching for it in the first place
Interaction with your audience is possible with the use of social media networks. In fact, interaction is encouraged. Traditional marketing methods don't allow for audience interaction. You can encourage your prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, rate them, buy them and provide feedback which is visible to your market.
Digital marketing is cost-efficient. Though some invest on paid ads online; however, the cost is still cheaper compared to traditional marketing.
Data and results are easily recorded. With Google Analytics and the insights tools offered by most social media channels, you can check on your campaigns at any time. Unlike traditional marketing methods, you can see in real time what is or is not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your results.
Level playing field: Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size with a solid digital marketing strategy. Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match the finesse of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors. Online, a crisp well thought out site with a smooth customer journey and fantastic service is king – not size.
Real time results: you don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would have to waiting for a fax or form to be returned. You can see the numbers of visitors to your site and its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button.
Brand Development: A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and adding value to your target audience can provide significant value and lead generation opportunities. The same can be said for utilising social media channels and personalised email marketing.
Viral: how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and prospects? Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly. If you consider the average Facebook user has 190 friends of which an average of 12% see their liked posts – your one message has actually been seen by 15 new prospects.
• There are two types of digital marketing and one of these is pull digital marketing. It aims to encourage consumers to come to you by visiting your business or making a call to action. Some of the common examples of pull digital marketing are websites and other internet- based mediums. Pull marketing is often called inbound marketing.
• push digital marketing. It pushes the marketing information directly to your customers. Common examples include SMS, email and RSS that target the customer with a customized message. Push marketing can also be called outbound marketing.